Comprehension Test
Comprehension Test

Comprehension Test

Value proposition comprehension test: the key to effective messaging

A value proposition comprehension test evaluates how well potential customers understand a product's benefits by asking them to explain it in their own words.


Achieve a high comprehension rate of the value proposition among potential customers, ensuring clear and effective marketing communication.



Businesses face the daily challenge of clearly and persuasively communicating the value of their products or services to potential customers. In this context, the value proposition comprehension test emerges as a valuable tool for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing messages and ensuring that customers fully understand the benefits offered.

What is the comprehension test?

The value proposition comprehension test involves presenting potential customers with a brief description of the product or service and then asking them to explain it in their own words. If the explanation is accurate and reflects the key points of the value proposition, it is considered a positive result.

How to conduct the test

Performing a value proposition comprehension test is relatively straightforward:

  1. Write a concise value proposition: Craft a clear and succinct description of the product or service, using simple language that is understandable to the target audience.

  2. Show the value proposition to participants: Present the description to potential customers, ensuring they have enough time to read it carefully.

  3. Ask participants to explain the value proposition: After reading, ask participants to explain the value proposition in their own words, without rereading the description.

  4. Evaluate the explanations: Analyze the explanations provided by the participants, comparing them to the original value proposition. If the explanations are accurate and complete, it is considered a positive result.

Goal and suggestions

The goal of the test is to achieve a high comprehension rate, typically set at 80% or higher. To maximize the chances of success, it is recommended to:

  • Recruit representative participants: Select participants who reflect the characteristics of the audience the product or service is intended for.

  • Use simple and direct language: Avoid technical terms or industry jargon that may be incomprehensible to some participants.

  • Adapt the value proposition based on feedback: If the test reveals comprehension difficulties among some participants, revise the value proposition and make the necessary changes to make it clearer and more accessible.

Benefits of the comprehension test

This test is crucial for several reasons:

  • Prevents misinterpretations: Ensures that customers do not misinterpret the marketing message, thus preventing it from negatively impacting the results of subsequent tests.

  • Validates the value proposition: Allows you to verify whether the value proposition is actually clear, concise, and understandable for the target audience.

  • Improves communication: Provides valuable insights for improving the formulation of the value proposition, making it more effective and engaging.

Example of success

HubSpot Academy, an online training platform for marketing professionals, used the value proposition comprehension test to improve its home page. By modifying the value proposition to make it clearer and more concise, HubSpot Academy saw a 6% increase in conversions, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach in improving communication and engagement with potential customers.

This demonstrates that investing time and resources in value proposition comprehension testing can translate into a significant return in terms of improved communication, customer loyalty, and business growth.

Describe your project


Describe your project
