Competitive Matrix
Competitive Matrix

Competitive Matrix

Position yourself for success: the ower of the Competitive Matrix

A visual tool that helps businesses compare their position against competitors based on key market characteristics.


Help participants understand their competitive position in the market using the competitive matrix as a strategic tool.

In the complex world of business, understanding your position relative to your competitors is crucial for success. The competitive matrix, also known as a positioning map, is a valuable tool that helps us visualize our position in the market graphically and identify opportunities and threats.

How does it work?

The competitive matrix is essentially a two-axis graph, where each axis represents a relevant characteristic of the market in question. For example, one axis could represent product quality and the other price. Each competitor is positioned on the matrix based on how it ranks relative to these two characteristics.

Why is it important?

  • Strategic Clarity: The matrix provides us with a clear and concise view of our competitive position.

  • Identification of Opportunities: It highlights areas where we can differentiate ourselves from competitors and acquire new customers.

  • Risk Reduction: It helps us identify threats from competitors and develop strategies to counter them.

  • Team Alignment: It creates a shared vision of the competitive situation within the team.

How to use the competitive matrix:

  1. Define the axes: Choose two relevant characteristics for your market and use them as the axes of the matrix.

  2. Identify competitors: List your main competitors.

  3. Positioning: Position each competitor on the matrix based on the chosen characteristics.

  4. Positioning your company: Locate your company's position on the matrix.

  5. Analysis: Analyze the matrix to identify gaps, overlapping areas, and emerging trends.

  6. Strategy definition: Based on the analysis, define strategies to improve your competitive position.

Benefits of using the competitive matrix:

  • Simplicity: It is an easy tool to understand and use.

  • Flexibility: It can be adapted to any sector or market.

  • Visualization: It offers a clear and immediate visual representation.

  • Collaboration: It encourages discussion and collaboration within the team.

We recommend exploring other strategic analysis tools such as SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, and the BCG matrix. These tools, combined with the competitive matrix, will offer you an even more complete view of your market and your competitive positioning.

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