Clickable Prototype
Clickable Prototype

Clickable Prototype

A first taste of the product

A clickable prototype is a digital simulation of a product that allows for user interaction to gather feedback before full development.


Validate product ideas and gather feedback from potential customers using a clickable prototype.



A clickable prototype is a digital representation of a product or service, with interactive areas that simulate the user experience. This tool is fundamental to validating an idea and obtaining feedback from potential customers before investing in full development.

What is a Clickable Prototype?

A clickable prototype is a digital simulation of a product or service. It consists of a series of screens linked together through links or buttons. The goal is to create a realistic user experience to gather feedback and validate the idea.

How does it work?

  • Defining objectives: Set the prototype's objectives and identify the target user.

  • Creating the prototype: Create the prototype screens using prototyping tools.

  • Testing with users: Share the prototype with a group of users and observe their behavior.

  • Analyzing results: Gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.

Why is it important?

A clickable prototype offers numerous advantages:

  • Idea validation: Allows you to verify if the product idea aligns with customer needs.

  • Improving the user experience: Helps identify the strengths and weaknesses of the user interface.

  • Cost reduction: Avoids premature investments in product development.

  • Accelerating time-to-market: Allows you to optimize the product before launch.

Challenges and considerations

  • Prototype limitations: The prototype does not represent the full functionality of the product.

  • Visual impact: The design quality can influence the perception of the product.

  • Creation time: Creating a clickable prototype requires design and development skills.

A clickable prototype is an essential tool in the product development process. It allows you to obtain valuable feedback from customers and reduce the risks associated with launching a new product.

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