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Classified Posting

Posting Ads: a Strategy to validate business ideas

A strategy for startups to validate business ideas by posting ads on platforms like Craigslist to gauge market demand and gather feedback.


Teach startups how to validate their business ideas by posting ads on platforms to gauge market demand and gather feedback.

Posting paid or free ads on platforms like Craigslist is a practical and affordable method to validate market demand and supply, providing valuable feedback before investing significant resources into product or service development.

How it works:

The approach is simple: create concise and clear ads that describe the product or service on offer, including a price and a way to contact. These ads are then posted on platforms like Craigslist, where they can be seen by a large audience of potential customers. By monitoring the number of views, inquiries, and purchases, startups can gather concrete data on market interest in their idea.

Why it's useful:

The advantages of this strategy are manifold:

  • Low cost: Posting ads on platforms like Craigslist is often free or requires only a minimal investment, making it an accessible option for startups with limited budgets.

  • Direct feedback: Startups receive immediate feedback from potential customers in the form of views, inquiries, and purchases, allowing them to quickly assess interest in their product or service.

  • Demand validation: The data collected from ads provides valuable insights into market demand for the business idea, allowing startups to make informed decisions about its potential success.

  • Pricing model evaluation: By testing different prices in ads, startups can optimize their pricing model to maximize profits and customer satisfaction.

Success example:

An emblematic example of this strategy is AirBnB, the accommodation sharing platform. Before developing their online platform, the co-founders of AirBnB tested market demand by posting ads on Craigslist to rent out their air mattress. The success of these ads validated their idea and prompted them to develop the AirBnB platform we know today.


To address these limitations, startups can consider alternatives such as:

  • Running test ads on digital advertising platforms: Offers greater targeting control and more detailed analytics, but requires a higher budget.

  • Online surveys: Allows for the collection of quantitative and qualitative data from a wider audience.

  • Interviews with potential customers: Provides a deeper understanding of the needs and expectations of the target market.

Posting ads on platforms like Craigslist is a practical and affordable method for startups to validate their business ideas and gather valuable feedback from potential customers. By combining this strategy with other market research techniques, startups can make informed decisions about the future of their ideas, increasing their chances of success.

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