An option to retry for improved or alternative AI outputs.
This pattern enables users to request that the AI regenerate a response to a prompt, offering new variations or results.
Users can click "regenerate" to get a fresh response without altering the original prompt.
Ideal when the user is unsatisfied with the initial output and wants to explore alternative results without starting from scratch.
Consigli Pratici
Keep Previous Responses
Allow users to retain the original result for comparison when regenerating.
Encourage Exploration
Let users experiment with multiple regenerations to understand AI’s logic.
Avoid Overwriting
Ensure the initial response is not lost when a new one is generated.
Grammarly's "Regenerate" pattern offers a "Retry" option, allowing users to explore alternative suggestions for optimal tone and message.
Canva's "Regenerate" pattern uses a "Generate again" button in Magic Media, enabling quick image variations for iterative creativity.