Primary sources
Connecting users to original data behind AI-generated results.
The use of specific reference materials (documents, examples, etc.) to guide AI responses, ensuring the content aligns with the user's expectations.
Attach primary sources to the input prompt, such as documents or images, for the AI to reference during generation.
Best for tasks requiring precise, context-based outputs, like summarizing documents or generating content based on specific examples.
Consigli Pratici
Ensure Clarity
Clearly define what the AI should extract from the source to avoid misinterpretation.
Use Multiple Sources
When relevant, include several references to enhance accuracy.
Verify Ownership
Ensure sources are legitimate and do not contain unauthorized data.
Claude's "Primary sources" tuner allows users to interact with uploaded documents, extracting and summarizing content while maintaining contextual accuracy.
ChatGPT's "Primary Sources" tuner processes uploaded documents, providing summaries, clarifications, and natural language insights for user queries.
Chat & Ask AI
The Chat & Ask AI tool's "Primary Sources" tuner allows users to upload files (PDF, DOC, XLSX) for direct interaction, enabling queries and summaries for efficient information handling.